All airports must be closed and the consumption of meat and dairy products among the general public must be completely banned in order to comply with the globalist "Net Zero" agenda, according to a disturbing government report. The report was produced by Oxford University and Imperial College London for the…

The GPS systems of airplanes have come under attack from hackers, according to reports. The targeting of the systems is causing "critical navigation failures," the New York Post is reporting. More than 50 recent reports revealed that hackers are launching cyberattacks against airplanes, including commercial jets. The Federal Aviation Administration issued…

An American pilot suffered a meltdown during a domestic flight and tried to sabotage the aircraft's engine midflight to crash the plane filled with passengers. 44-year-old Alaska Airlines pilot Joseph David Emerson, who was off-duty at the time, has been charged with 83 counts of attempted murder. According to local…

A YouTube star has admitted to intentionally crashing a plane into a mountain to get more views on the video-streaming platform and secure sponsorship deals. Trevor Jacob is a former Olympic snowboarder-turned-YouTuber. In a shocking video, Jacob jumped out of a fully-functioning single-manned plane mid-flight and filmed himself parachuting to…

Multiple CEOs from several major U.S. airlines have warned that 5G technology could cause huge disruptions to air travel by grounding planes. On Monday, a group of top airline executives warned that the nation’s commerce will essentially “grind to a halt” and there will be “significant operation disruptions” to air…