Antarctica Summer Temperatures Fell in Recent Decades, Despite ‘Global Warming’ Hype

For years, globalists and their corporate media allies have been telling the public that their existence is causing “global warming.”

The resulting “climate crisis” is supposedly “destroying the planet” by allegedly causing temperatures on Earth to rise to unsustainable levels.

Wealthy elites with luxury beachfront properties have insisted that “global warming” will melt the ice caps in the Arctic and Antarctic and cause sea levels to rise and flood the mainland.

For example, former Vice President Al Gore said during a speech at the Copenhagen Climate Conference in 2009 that there was “a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years.”

In addition, in his 2006 “global warming” documentary “An Inconvenient Truth,” Gore predicted that the global sea level could rise as much as 20 feet “in the near future.”

In the film, the former vice president warned that melting ice would flood New York City.

“After the horrible events of 9/11, we said, ‘Never again’,” Gore said.

“But this is what would happen to Manhattan.

“They can measure this precisely, just as the scientists could predict precisely how much water would breach the levees in New Orleans.

“The area where the World Trade Center Memorial is to be located would be underwater.”

Gore also claimed in 2006 that there would be no solving “climate change” if drastic measures weren’t taken around the world to reduce greenhouse gases by 2016.

However, annual global carbon emissions increased from 30.59 billion tons in 2006 to 35.52 billion tons in 2016 and 37.12 billion tons in 2021, according to the Global Carbon Project.

Gore has continued to argue for “climate action” to “save the planet.”

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“Well, some changes, unfortunately, have already been locked in place,” Gore said when asked by ABC News about the prediction in 2019.

“Sea level increases are going to continue no matter what we do now.

“But, we can prevent much larger sea level increases — much more rapid increases in temperatures.”

Scary stuff. Or is it?

Unfortunately, too many take what they’re told by the corporate media as fact without ever checking, making this type of globalist fearmongering incredibly successful.

However, the claims of “global warming” and melting ice made by Gore and his allies are disputed by real science.

A group of Korean polar scientists has confirmed that temperatures in Antarctica haven’t increased at all in decades.

In fact, the study found that summer temperatures in Antarctica fell by 1°C in just 20 years from 1979-1999 and have since been on pause.

The study, which was published recently in the renowned Nature journal, confirms that warming has rather passed Antarctica by in the era of “climate crisis” hype.

Other scientists have noted that Antarctica has shown very little warming over the last 70 years of accurate recordings.

All of these findings are ignored in the corporate media.

Instead, the media continues to push the narrative that humans control the climate by using hydrocarbons.

According to this narrative, all humans must give up their freedoms and comply with the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Net Zero” agenda so that globalists that “save the planet.”

However, plunging temperatures and inconvenient pauses in Antarctica over 45 years will not help the WEF and United Nations secure trillions of dollars in funding from taxpayers around the world.

The Korean scientists provide two sets of data to back up their cooling discovery.

Recordings from ground stations show cooling of 0.53C a decade between 1979-99 and -0.004C a decade from the turn of the century.

“Reanalysis” data is produced with the help of computer models and these frequently show greater warming.

In this case, the cooling trend is less, but both sets of data show a distinct cooling trend since 1979.

In the graph above, the dashed-dotted and black solid lines correspond to the results from 20 station observations and the “reanalysis” data respectively.

The two illustrations below the graph show clearly the degrees of cooling that were detected across the continent.

The orange line refers to the stratospheric final warming onset data (SFWOD), which is one of several important natural climatic influences that the scientists examined in trying to explain the temperature changes.

Meanwhile, the illustrations of temperature change correspond well with a similar one published by scientists Hansi A. Singh and Lorenzo M. Polvani.

In their study, Singh and Polvani noted in this 2021 paper that “global warming” had been “nearly non-existent” over the last seven decades.

Singh and Polvani also observed that Antarctica’s sea ice has “modestly expanded” over the same period, and these findings have been confirmed in other scientific work.

As Slay News recently reported, four environmental scientists found that sea ice around Antarctica has “slowly increased” since the start of continuous satellite recordings in 1979.

Other climatic influences on Antarctica were recently highlighted by a group of New Zealand scientists who noted that the ozone hole high above the continent was as large as ever, despite a 35-year ban on the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFU).

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres claimed that the world should be encouraged by an inspiring example of political will and apply the same will to healing the planet.

The ozone CFU scare was considered a great triumph in green alarmist circles, despite the facts.

READ MORE – Doctors Told to Cut Back on Prescribing Inhalers to Asthma Patients to Fight ‘Climate Change’

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