Doctors Raise Alarm over Growing Pressure to Euthanize Elderly & Disabled: ‘Some People Are Better Off Dead’

Several top medical professionals have spoken out to raise concerns over the growing worldwide push to relax euthanasia laws in order to relieve the “burden” of caring for elderly and disabled citizens.

Doctors say they are coming under increasing pressure to view vulnerable patients as being “better off dead.”

Slay News has been reporting for some time about the disturbing trend of “assisted suicide” laws that have emerged in multiple Western nations in recent years.

Canada, Belgium, and the Netherlands have been leading the way with several other nations and U.S. states seemingly desperate to follow suit.

When countries first started to legalize, they changed the laws in order to offer a “solution” to adult patients who had a “serious and incurable” disease that was causing them great suffering.

Some viewed the option of “assisted suicide” as a way to avoid an otherwise unavoidable slow and painful death.

However, since the laws were changed, the floodgates have opened as each nation that legalized euthanasia has since expanded the boundaries of “assisted suicide.”

Most nations with legalized euthanasia have relaxed their laws to include people with disabilities, money problems, depression, and even homelessness.

Canada has already begun euthanizing people with mental health issues and campaigners are pushing for the laws to be expanded to include children and infants.

report from the Christian Institute details how Canada has been “skiing” down the “slippery slope” of euthanasia.

“Since legalizing so-called Medical Assistance in Dying for certain circumstances in 2016, Canada has already abolished the requirement for a person to be terminally ill,” the report explains.

In the UK, the legislation of “assisted suicide” is now being considered in Scotland, the Isle of Man, and Jersey.

There are also “concerted efforts” in England and Wales to introduce euthanasia laws, provoking a backlash from the public.

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Experts are now warning that pressure is growing to euthanize elderly people.

However, opponents of the globalist eugenics agenda are facing a new challenge as society is increasingly being led to believe that some people are simply “better off dead.”

Doctors say their patients are now requesting euthanasia because they fear becoming a “burden” on their families.

“Dr. Pia Matthews of St Mary’s University, who has a daughter with multiple disabilities, reported that she has been told ‘how much of a burden our daughter must be’ and ‘we would all be better off if she was no longer with us,'” the report explained.

She responded, “Enshrining such inaccurate and discriminatory attitudes in law would entrench the view that some lives, however short, are less worth living and that some people would be better off dead.”

The institute reports:

“Professor John Keown of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., highlighted a U.N. special rapporteur’s ‘extreme concern’ that some disabled Canadians are being pressured to request euthanasia, adding: ‘The Dutch slid down euthanasia’s slippery slope. Canada is virtually skiing.'”

Former British National Health Service (NHS) podiatrist Madeline Pavey explained being “appalled” when she found people in their 60s telling doctors they “don’t want to be a burden.”

Pavey notes it’s too easy “to encourage this kind of thinking.”

The report noted the House of Commons Health and Social Care Select Committee recently outlined the many dangers of legalizing assisted suicide but failed to oppose a change in the law.

That committee had reviewed information from jurisdictions allowing assisted suicide, and other issues including palliative care.

READ MORE – Canadian Doctors Admit Covid ‘Booster’ Shot Paralyzed Woman, Offer to Euthanize Her to ‘Make Up for It’

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