Minnesota AG Keith Ellison Crosses Line, Compares Clarence Thomas to Pro-Slavery Slave in ‘Django Unchained’

Minnesota’s Democrat Attorney General Keith Ellison has compared Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to a slave who supports slavery.

Ellison, former deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, compared Thomas to the pro-slavery slave played by Samuel L. Jackson in the 2012 movie “Django Unchained.”

“Well, Clarence Thomas, anybody who’s watched the movie ‘Django,’ just watch Stephen and you see Clarence Thomas,” Ellison said.

“Clarence Thomas has decided that his best personal interest is siding with the powerful and the special interests regardless of who they’re gonna hurt.


“He’s like ‘I’m looking out for me, and I don’t care nothing about you.

“But I’m on the Supreme Court so it’s my job to look out for you.’

“So he’s abdicating his responsibility.

“He has abdicated it a long time ago.

“When he got in office, he was this way, he’s this way now, maybe he’s worse now.

“So Clarence Thomas needs to be impeached.

“Clarence Thomas is illegitimate and has no basis in the job that he’s in.

“And it’s a lesson to us as African-Americans. What is the lesson?

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“Well, we all thought ‘Well, he’s a black man raised in the deep south. He knows what racism, segregation is. He knows what affirmative action is. He’s gonna come around one day.’

“Understand that it’s not a matter of pigment.

“It’s not what’s on your skin, it’s what’s in your mind.”

The comments from Ellsion were met with widespread backlash on social media.

Delano Squires, a fellow of The Heritage Foundation, said:

“Clarence Thomas has withstood personal attacks for over 30 years from men like @keithellison because progressives think black people are persuaded more by ‘house slave’ rhetoric than his actual arguments abt the law (eg., his dissent in Kelo), race, & policy.”

READ MORE: AOC Vows to Get Revenge on Clarence Thomas, Demands Justice ‘Be Impeached’

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