Former President Ronald Reagan didn’t trust Joe Biden, according to entries from the 40th POTUS’s diaries.
The Reagan Diaries, edited by Douglas Brinkley and released in 2007, shows what Reagan really thought of now-Democrat President Joe Biden.
In his diary entries, Reagan blasted then-Sen. Biden (D-DE) as a “demagogue” and said he was part of a “lynch mob.”
Reagan wrote on June 15: “1st meeting with Ken D. & the V.P.—Howard late getting back from Tennessee.
“Some talk about Sen. Biden—now cand. for Pres.
“I saw him on CNN last night speaking to the John F. Kennedy School at Harvard U.
“He’s smooth but pure demagog[ue]—out to save America from the Reagan Doctrine.”
Reagan wrote on March 6: “This modern age!
“Spent half a day in the office then by mid-afternoon I was addressing the Nat. Assn. of Evangelicals in Columbus Ohio, then at Dinner in N.Y., a Repub. $1000 ticket fundraiser & went to bed in the W.H.
“Before flying to Columbus, met with Sens. Bill Cohen & Joe Biden.
“They’ve been to Russia & are all wrapped up in ‘Arms Reductions.’
“I suspect that at least one of them (J.B.) doesn’t believe I’m sincere about wanting them.”
Reagan wrote on July 30:
“The 1st meeting was last evening—highlighted by vitriolic attacks on TV by Sens. Kennedy, Metzenbaum & Biden.
“They really are a lynch mob.”
As Slay News reported, Ronald Reagan’s son Michael said his father warned him about Biden:
“After my father was out of office he shared with me that Sen Joe Biden confronted him and told him if he disagreed with my father on a Covert action he had planned he would leak it to the media to stop it.”
According to The Washington Examiner:
“Former CIA Director and Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who served presidents of both parties, famously said that Biden had been wrong about ‘nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.’
“Biden was wrong on the Reagan doctrine, wrong on the 1980s defense buildup, wrong on the Strategic Defense Initiative.
“He was wrong to oppose the first Gulf War when a U.S.-led coalition deftly kicked Saddam Hussein’s troops out of Kuwait.”
After my father was out of office he shared with me that Sen Joe Biden confronted him and told him if he disagreed with my father on a Covert action he had planned he would leak it to the media to stop it..
— Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) January 23, 2023
Michael Reagan: Biden Told My Dad He Would Leak Covert Info
— Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) January 25, 2023
They still have hands and mouths..It will do no good.. General Population in Prison will take care of the problem…New Mexico lawmakers propose bill to chemically castrate pedophiles as parole condition
— Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) January 25, 2023