A multi-center team of celebrated medical scientists has raised the alarm after discovering that Covid mRNA shots are responsible for a shocking “excess death signal” behind the global surge in mortality rates.
The peer-reviewed study was published in the prestigious Vaccines Journal and conducted by renowned Taiwanese scientists specializing in clinical pathology, infectious diseases, and tropical medicine.
Their systematic investigation into severe adverse events post-Covid mRNA injection raises significant concerns about the current mass vaccination policy.
Specifically, the team’s discovery of an “excess death signal” has sent shockwaves through the scientific community.
Ying-Fei Yang, and Sher Singh, both with National Taiwan University and colleagues center their investigation on Taiwan’s vaccine administration and adverse event reporting.
This data was then compared to global statistics.
Tapping into and leveraging data from Taiwan’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and global vaccination data, the authors study vaccine safety and the public health implications of vaccination strategies from local and global perspectives.
Pointing out the island nation of Taiwan’s “proactive approach, resulting in high vaccination rates,” the authors suggest a good opportunity for a case study for the monitoring and management of vaccine-related adverse events.
The comparative analysis reveals that safety monitoring remains critical for maintaining public trust.
In the study’s paper, the scientists raise substantial concerns about surging deaths among the vaccinated, particularly among the elderly.
They note that the surging deaths are revealed in the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration’s VAERS.
The researchers found that excess deaths surged after the deployment of COVID-19 countermeasures.
Both providing insights into the safety profiles of various COVID-19 vaccines while also supporting more investigation into the implications of adverse event reporting rates for vaccine policy and public health strategies, the study’s authors point to a disturbing reality: a surge in excess death after the mass vaccination campaign was completed.
The authors pepper the study’s paper with concerning language about the safety of the Covid shots.
As of February 23, 2023, Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) reported that 94% of the population had received at least one dose of a Covid shot.
In addition, 76.3% received a “booster” shot and 23% had been injected with a third dose.
In the “Public Health Outcomes and Concerns” section of the study, Ying-Fei Yang, Sher Singh, and colleagues report on the estimated cumulative excess deaths per 100,000 people in Taiwan.
They found that excess deaths surged after the vaccines were rolled out to the public and not before, suggesting the injections were far more dangerous than the virus they were supposed to protect against.
The authors report that “after 26 September 2022, the estimated excess deaths in Taiwan” skyrocketed.
Raising a concern, the authors found that “the slope of cumulative excess death of Taiwan increased suddenly after 31 March 2022.”
By early 2022, the pandemic was over but the global mass vaccination campaign was still in full swing.
Reporting that Taiwan FDA’s adverse event data represents only the “reported” cases of deaths, they acknowledge that the repository cannot be conclusive on the reasons for the higher excess deaths observed after March 31, 2022.
The researchers continue:
“Whether the mutation of the virus and/or the policy implementation is causative should be further explored.”
Here policy implementation could imply vaccination policy given that’s a key topic of this paper.
In fact, acknowledging the potential risk associated with the vaccines and associated policies they articulate:
“To mitigate the risk from the perspective of the vaccine program, development of evidence-based recommendations is key to enhancing the safety and efficacy of vaccines.”
Clearly the authors are concerned about both excess deaths and serious adverse event-related deaths and Covid shots.
They continue:
“Such recommendations could extend to improving surveillance systems to better capture adverse events, which is crucial for the timely detection and response to potential vaccine-related issues.”
Again, calling for “enhanced surveillance” the authors point out that not only would this support “immediate risk management, but also contribute to the long-term goal of strengthening vaccine safety systems.”
They continue by warning pressuring the public into taking experimental vaccines can have devastating consequences and call on governments to investigate such tactics.
“This understanding becomes the foundation upon which individuals can make informed decisions regarding their health and vaccination choices,” they argue.
“Furthermore, it is critical to recognize and address demographic-specific responses to vaccines.
“The young and elderly populations may react differently to vaccines, necessitating adjustments in vaccination strategies and post-vaccination monitoring for these groups.”
They conclude policy frameworks should be more refined ensuring “rigorous post-vaccination monitoring, especially in age groups or populations that have reported higher incidences of adverse reactions.”
Of course, the rate of elderly deaths as reported in the vaccine adverse event reporting system was substantially higher.
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