Shock CBO Report: America Facing Population Collapse as Deaths Will Soon Outnumber Births

An alarming report from the U.S. Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has issued a chilling warning of a looming population collapse in America.

The CBO predicts that the number of American deaths will surpass births just 8 years from now.

The warning is based on the U.S. population’s current below-replacement fertility rate of 1.6 births per woman.

A replacement level of 2.1 births per woman is necessary to keep the population stable.

However, deaths are also surging, meaning, that by 2033, more Americans will be dying per year than babies are being born.

According to its latest report, the CBO projects that the U.S. population will be 372 million residents in 30 years.

The number is a 2.8 percent drop from last year’s projection of 383 million people.

These figures are based on two primary factors: declining birth rates, and an expected decline in immigration.

According to the CBO, the U.S. would need to continue importing millions of foreign migrants to replace the missing dead and unborn Americans to maintain a stable population.


By 2033, deaths are expected to outnumber births.

The report explains that this is in part “because fertility rates are projected to remain too low for a generation to replace itself.”

“Since last year, CBO has lowered its projection of the total fertility rate over the long run from 1.70 births per woman to 1.60 and incorporated differences in the fertility rates of women born in the United States and women born elsewhere,” the report summary said.

As the report noted:

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“The size of the U.S. population and its composition by age and sex have significant implications for the economy and the federal budget.”

The CBO report is just one of many raising the alarm as to a potential population crisis.

As Slay News previously reported, researchers have been sounding the alarm after a study found that America’s infant mortality rate has surged to shocking highs in recent years.

Scientists from Virginia Commonwealth University discovered that American children and teenagers are dying at higher rates than their peers in 16 other high-income countries.

The team raised the alarm in a research letter published in the renowned journal JAMA Pediatrics.

The researchers calculated the median mortality rates among children ages 0-19 with rates in Canada, Australia, Japan, and several European countries, from 1999 to 2019.

They compared those rates to median mortality rates among the same age groups in the U.S. to identify excess deaths in the U.S.

Excess deaths are the number above and beyond those median rates.

They found that in the U.S., there were 413,948 excess deaths among young people during that time.

“Each year, nearly 20,000 deaths among youths ages 0 to 19 years would not have occurred had US youths experienced the median mortality rates of 16 comparison countries,” the authors wrote.

“More than half of these deaths involved infants, reflecting disproportionately high US infant mortality rates.”

As young people in the U.S. died at higher rates, the median mortality rates in other countries dropped, widening the gap.

“The chances of a child surviving to age 20 are now decreasing,” Dr. Steven Woolf, the study’s co-author told NBC News.

Where the data was available, researchers also examined trends through 2022.

However, when comparing the data, the researchers identified a massive increase in deaths among children ages 10 and up starting in 2020.

This surge in excess deaths among children continues through 2022.

Meanwhile, several nations around the world have been raising concerns about a population collapse.

In the Philippines, officials have been holding hearings to establish the cause of soaring death and plummeting birth rates.

The alarming situation was revealed in data from the Philippines Civil Registration System.

The government agency is responsible for collecting and maintaining vital statistics, including births, marriages, and deaths.

The data is obtained from vital events registered at the appropriate Office of the City/Municipal Civil Registrar throughout the country.

The figures are then subsequently submitted for encoding to the Office of the Civil Registrar General through the Provincial Statistical Offices of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).

The crisis emerged following the the Philippines’ mass Covid vaccination program was initiated in March 2021.

The nation’s excess mortality soared in 2021, from March onward.

Notably, lawmakers have become alarmed that excess deaths surged among the public after they received Covid mRNA injections.

Noteworthy hearings have been taking place in the Philippines’ House of Representatives.

The hearings established that the deaths were not related to COVID-19 and that the spike only emerged after the “vaccines” that were meant to tackle the virus were rolled out for public use.

During the hearings, lawmakers sought to identify the cause of more than 290,000 excess deaths among the nation’s Covid-vaccinated population.


Meanwhile, Japan, Australia, and the UK have all reported spikes in deaths and drops in birth rates in recent years.

The reports are now raising fears of a global population collapse.

READ MORE – Japan Sounds Alarm as Heart Failure Surges 4900% Among Covid-Vaxxed

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