John Kerry

Study Finds Zero ‘Global Warming’ Increases in 50 Years of Data

Study Finds Zero ‘Global Warming’ Increases in 50 Years of Data

A leading group of environmental researchers has debunked a key narrative of the green agenda after proving that Earth has not recorded any "global warming" increases over the past 50 years. The study has emerged as globalists continue to ramp up warnings of a "climate crisis" allegedly caused by human…
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‘Manmade Climate Change’ Narrative Completely Fabricated, Study Warns

‘Manmade Climate Change’ Narrative Completely Fabricated, Study Warns

A recent study has concluded that globalist claims of "manmade climate change" are completely fabricated and have no basis in reality. The researchers found that there is no scientific evidence to support theories of anthropogenic "global warming." According to the study, led by leading scientists in Greece, claims that humans cause…
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