
Biden Melts Down, Press Removed After Bizarre Anti-Trump Rants

Biden Melts Down, Press Removed After Bizarre Anti-Trump Rants

White House handlers stepped in and ushered reporters out of the room after President Joe Biden made several angry and ranting anti-Trump statements to the press. Biden spoke to reporters after signing the Social Security Fairness Act into law. He addressed topics ranging from immigration and "white supremacy." However, all…
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California High School Teacher Put on Leave over Anti-Trump Meltdown

California High School Teacher Put on Leave over Anti-Trump Meltdown

A leftist California high school teacher has been placed on administrative leave after audio clips exposed his profanity-laced classroom rant over President Donald Trump's re-election. During his anti-Trump meltdown, the teacher warned students they could be put in "concentration camps" under the new administration. He continued by blaming "racist" voters…
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Democrat Women Call for 4-Year ‘Sex Strike’ to ‘Protest Trump’

Democrat Women Call for 4-Year ‘Sex Strike’ to ‘Protest Trump’

Outraged female Democrat voters are taking to social media to call for a four-year "sex strike" to protest President Donald Trump's election victory. Trump soared to a historic and decisive victory in Tuesday’s presidential race. Democrats had pushed the false narrative onto voters that the election was a referendum on…
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