Matthew Graves

Washington D.C Smashes Homicide Records under Biden-Appointed U.S Attorney

Washington D.C Smashes Homicide Records under Biden-Appointed U.S Attorney

Homicide rates have soared to record highs in Democrat-controlled Washington D.C., according to reports. As President Donald Trump has repeatedly pointed out, D.C. is an increasingly deadly and crime-ridden cesspool. The dangerously high level of violence is disturbing and unbecoming of the city that plays host to the federal district…
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Prosecutors Who Refused to Charge Hunter Are Biden & Harris Donors

Prosecutors Who Refused to Charge Hunter Are Biden & Harris Donors

The two prosecutors who refused to charge Hunter Biden have been exposed as Democrat donors. According to testimony from IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley, the prosecutors who refused to charge Hunter were U.S. Attorney for D.C. Matthew Graves and U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California E. Martin Estrada, both…
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