New York Post

Biden Told a ‘Lie a Minute’ during Trainwreck CNN Interview

Biden Told a ‘Lie a Minute’ during Trainwreck CNN Interview

Democrat President Joe Biden pushed so many falsehoods during his recent trainwreck interview with CNN that it amounted to almost a "lie a minute," according to a new report. The New York Post editorial board scorched Biden in a new article, debunking "15 lies" told by Biden. As Slay News…
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George Soros Declared ‘Most Dangerous Man in America’

George Soros Declared ‘Most Dangerous Man in America’

Radical billionaire George Soros has finally been recognized as a major threat to America by one of the nation's oldest media institutions. For most decent-minded patriots, this warning will come as no surprise. Soros is the Democratic Party's biggest donor and he's been bankrolling the Left behind the scenes for…
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