President Donald Trump has seen his favorability rating surge in deep blue New York, new polling has revealed. Trump matched his highest-ever approval ratings in one of the bluest states in the nation. The same poll shows that Trump now has a higher approval rating than New York's Democrat Governor…

The overwhelming majority of American voters say they want CBS News to release the full, unedited "60 Minutes" interview with Kamala Harris after it emerged that the recording had been deceptively edited. As Slay News previously reported, CBS News released teaser clips from the interview with the Democrat presidential nominee…

A new NBC News poll has found that "any signs of momentum for Kamala Harris have stopped," spelling doom for the Democrats. After raising the hopes of liberals this Summer, Harris may be setting Democrats up for heartbreak this fall as President Donald Trump wipes her polling advantage. Since September,…

Most New York City residents say they want their scandal-ridden Democrat Mayor Eric Adams to resign after he was indicted on federal criminal corruption charges, a new poll has revealed. Adams under federal indictment for corruption, over allegations he took bribes from foreign nationals. New Yorkers now say they've had…

A new poll from the left-wing New York Times shows President Donald Trump beating Democrat nominee Kamala Harris in multiple battleground states. According to polling released Monday from the NY Times and Siena College, Trump is now beating Harris in Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina. Trump is leading Harris 50-45…