Rasmussen Reports

New Poll Shows Trump Heading for Landslide Victory in November

New Poll Shows Trump Heading for Landslide Victory in November

A major new poll has emerged that shows President Donald Trump surging toward a landslide victory in the critical November election. The survey was conducted by Rasmussen Reports on June 20 and shows major enthusiasm for Trump's return to the White House. If that momentum were to carry through to…
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41% of Americans Expect Civil War within 5 Years, Poll Shows

41% of Americans Expect Civil War within 5 Years, Poll Shows

Over 100 million Americans, 41% of the nation's population, now believe that the United States will be torn apart by another civil war within the next five years, an alarming new poll has revealed. The results of the shock poll, conducted by Rasmussen Reports, were published Thursday. Interestingly, voters said…
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