Deaths Surge 1,236% after Covid Shots, Top Study Finds

A jolting new study has found that deaths surge by over 1,200 percent among people who have received at least one Covid mRNA shot.

The study was conducted by a group of world-renowned epidemiologists, cardiologists, and data experts.

The pre-print paper for the study, co-authored by celebrated cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, was published Monday.

The study, titled “Excess Cardiopulmonary Arrest and Mortality after COVID-19 Vaccination in King County, Washington,” sought to investigate concerns about major spikes in serious cardiovascular adverse events, including myocarditis, myocardial infarction, and venous thromboembolism, all of which can lead to cardiopulmonary arrest.

The team of experts analyzed data on deaths in King County, Washington between 2020 and 2023.

The county has one of the highest rates of vaccinations in the United States.

98 percent of King County’s residents received at least one Covid injection by 2023.

The county has also suffered from a surge in excess deaths since the Covid mRNA shots were first rolled out for public use in 2021.

Alarmingly, the study found a staggering 1,236 percent increase in deaths in King County between 2020 and 2023.


The study notes that the Covid virus did not cause these deaths.

In the “Results” section of the study’s paper, the researchers write:

“Our analysis revealed a 25.7% increase in total cardiopulmonary arrests and a 25.4% increase in cardiopulmonary arrest mortality from 2020 to 2023 in King County, WA.

“Excess cardiopulmonary arrest deaths were estimated to have increased by 1,236% from 2020 to 2023, rising from 11 excess deaths (95% CI: -12, 34) in 2020 to 147 excess deaths (95% CI: 123, 170) in 2023.

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“A quadratic increase in excess cardiopulmonary arrest mortality was observed with higher COVID-19 vaccination rates.”

The researchers also collected data from emergency medical services (EMS) reports, the U.S. Census Bureau, and The Tennessean COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker.

These databases provided the researchers with the information required to apply their findings from King County to the wider American population.

In the “Methods” section of the paper, the researchers note:

“The excess mortality model for King County was used to calculate yearly estimates for excess cardiopulmonary arrest fatalities in the USA.”

In the “Results” section, the researchers reveal that the study shows a nationwide spike in heart failure deaths among the vaccinated, noting:

“Applying our model from these data to the entire United States yielded 49,240 excess fatal cardiopulmonary arrests from 2021-2023.”

The researchers concluded by giving their opinion on the findings.

In addition, their conclusion explains why the death rate increase is attributed to the Covid shots.

In the “Conclusions” section, the researchers write:

“The biological plausibility of death from acute cardiac and pulmonary causes after COVID-19 vaccination has been previously demonstrated and is concerning given these real-world observations.

“Urgent further research is needed to determine if similar trends are observed in other regions with attention to risk mitigation for incident events and improved survival with resuscitation.”

While the study shows that deaths spiked dramatically among the Covid vaxxed over the last three years, many experts are warning that the worst is still yet to come.

As Slay News reported, Professor Dr. Dolores Cahill, a world-renowned immunology expert, issued an explosive warning to the public that everyone who has been vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots “will die within 3 to 5 years, even if they have had only one injection.”

Prof. Cahill has over 25 years of expertise in high-throughput protein array, antibody array, proteomics technology development, and automation.

The Covid shots are known to increase lethality after repeated doses.

In addition, the mRNA injections increase Covid infection rates and result in turbo cancersreproductive destruction, miscarriages, and autoimmune disorders, as well as deadly headaches, seizures, strokes, blood clots, and heart failure.

Massive population studies have also found that, in addition to a multitude of serious ailments, the injections contain hundreds of times the allowable levels of DNA contamination, leading to mutagenic effects.

Further, an alarming new study reported by Slay News over the weekend has revealed that Covid mRNA shots permanently alter the DNA of those who receive the injections.

However, these dangerous changes to the DNA will also be passed on to the offspring of the Covid-vaccinated.

Nevertheless, government health officials insist that everyone, including children, must continue taking the shots.

As sudden deaths and deadly diseases continue to surge among the vaxxed, perhaps Professor Cahill’s prediction is now beginning to unfold.

READ MORE – mRNA Shots Permanently Alter DNA of Vaxxed & Their Offspring, Censored Study Shows

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