Dr. Drew Pinsky has warned that evidence suggests that both monkeypox and bird flu "must be" bioweapons. Pinsky argues that both viruses appear to have been manipulated using illegal gain-of-function research. He made the comments during a recent interview with Alex Jones on Infowars. WATCH: The remarks from Dr. Drew…

A top doctor has spoken out to warn the public that bird flu has been weaponized in bioweapon labs to make the virus more transmissible between humans. Dr. Kelly Victory, a leading emergency medicine and disaster specialist, says her studies have uncovered such conclusive evidence that she can "guarantee" that…

Scientists in Communist China have engineered a deadly mutant strain of the Ebola virus, according to reports. The Chinese scientists revealed that lab tests of the new strain killed a group of hamsters. The mutant strain was developed by a team of researchers at Hebei Medical University. The team used…

The Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) military scientists have created a deadly "mutant coronavirus" that was found to be 100% fatal in lab tests, according to reports. The study was conducted by CCP researchers at Beijing University of Chemical Technology. According to the military scientists, the mutant coronavirus strain was cloned…

House investigators have uncovered troubling evidence linking the owner of the Chinese bio-lab recently discovered in California to China's Communist Party (CCP) and military. As Slay News previously reported, 62-year-old Jia Bei Zhu was arrested in October after law enforcement discovered his biolab by chance. The lab was found in…

A citizen of Communist China has been arrested for running an illegal secret bio-lab in California, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has announced. Jia Bei Zhu, 62, was named as the Chinese owner of an unauthorized central California lab. The discovery of the lab raised major concerns about China…

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has warned that thousands of "death scientists" are developing deadly pathogens as killer bioweapons in secret biolabs in America. Kennedy made the claim during a new interview with independent news anchor Tucker Carlson. RFK Jr. warns that thousands of unregulated scientists are developing bioweapons…

Authorities in California have discovered an illegal bio lab in Fresno County that was running secret experiments on dangerous pathogens. The unlicenced medical laboratory was found operating in a Reedley warehouse. Investigators have found bioengineered mice and hazardous pathogens, including Covid, HIV, hepatitis, and herpes. A joint effort between local and…

The World Health Organization (WHO) has raised the alarm over a "high risk of biological hazard" after a group of militants seized control of a U.S.-funded biolab containing "extremely dangerous" viruses. One of two warring factions in Sudan has taken control of a laboratory where scientists have been experimenting with…