The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is reportedly working on a deadly weaponized strain of Ebola with a bone-chilling 90 percent kill rate. The news come after China was caught running biolabs on American soil. As Slay News reported, a disturbing CCP-linked lab was accidentally uncovered in California last year. Code…

Scientists in Communist China have engineered a deadly mutant strain of the Ebola virus, according to reports. The Chinese scientists revealed that lab tests of the new strain killed a group of hamsters. The mutant strain was developed by a team of researchers at Hebei Medical University. The team used…

House investigators have uncovered troubling evidence linking the owner of the Chinese bio-lab recently discovered in California to China's Communist Party (CCP) and military. As Slay News previously reported, 62-year-old Jia Bei Zhu was arrested in October after law enforcement discovered his biolab by chance. The lab was found in…

Unsterilized laboratory wastewater from a top U.S. military lab spilled into public waterways, according to reports. The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Maryland, spewed the water out the top of a rusty 50,000-gallon outdoor holding tank. The pressure catapulted the water over the short…

American doctors should be on the lookout for Ebola-like symptoms amid fears one of the world's deadliest pathogens has reached the United States, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has warned. The CDC published an emergency warning about the rare Ebola-like Marburg virus, advising American public health officials…