Hollywood legend James Woods shut down civil rights grifter Al Sharpton over his stunning comments about American history. Sharpton, an MSNBC analyst, said: “One day, our children’s children will read American history, and can you imagine our reading that James Madison or Thomas Jefferson tried to overthrow the government so…

Democrat President Joe Biden’s White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre referred to herself as a “historic figure” during a new interview. Jean-Pierre made the comments on Saturday after barely serving one year in her role. Since taking the job, Jean-Pierre has done little of significance and is frequently criticized for…

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) schooled radical Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) with an important history lesson on Twitter today. AOC butted in while Cruz was setting a Democratic Party operative straight about the Civil Right Act saying: “That shameful filibuster was led by Democrats—your party. "My party—the Republicans—proudly voted for…

Renowned presidential historian and New York Times best-selling author Craig Shirley has revealed that Democrat President Joe Biden will occupy a special place in the history books. During a recent interview, Shirley declared that Biden is on track to become the "worst president" in the nation’s history. "I ranked him…

Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris managed to botch a history lesson on slavery during a surprise appearance to celebrate Juneteenth. Harris has been MIA recently after a series of public speaking disasters that confounded onlookers. The vice president appears to have perfected the art of talking in circles and seeding…

Republican former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has opened up about his feelings on Democrat President Joe Biden's performance in the White House. During an appearence on Fox News's "Jesse Watters Primetime," Gingrich discussed where he sees Biden fitting in to the American history books. “The world’s gotten to…