Civil War

41% of Americans Expect Civil War within 5 Years, Poll Shows

41% of Americans Expect Civil War within 5 Years, Poll Shows

Over 100 million Americans, 41% of the nation's population, now believe that the United States will be torn apart by another civil war within the next five years, an alarming new poll has revealed. The results of the shock poll, conducted by Rasmussen Reports, were published Thursday. Interestingly, voters said…
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Kathy Griffin: ‘If You Want Civil War, Vote Republican’

Kathy Griffin: ‘If You Want Civil War, Vote Republican’

Hollywood leftist Kathy Griffin has warned America to prepare for "civil war" if citizens choose to "vote Republican" in the November midterms. In a post on Twitter, Griffin, who identifies as a comedian, told voters that they must support Democrats if they want to avoid plunging the United States into…
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